Journalling to Integrate COVID Challenges and Changes


It’s been a tough year - now a year plus - for us all. I feel it. Your neighbour feels it. It’s even likely your pet feels it (even though they are likely pretty happy you’ve been around so much). It’s likely you’ve been inundated by news stories, drained by countless COVID conversations and are SICK of many things pandemic related.

BUT - perhaps while you’ve talked circles around what’s happening, perhaps you haven’t processed the emotions related to the place you’ve found yourself in. Perhaps you’ve talked about the fear and frustration but haven’t looked at some of the positive changes that may have occurred (even if it only feels like 1%). Perhaps you’ve just felt stuck and unable to sort the effects of the past 12 plus months and just don’t know where to start.

I would like to offer you a little glimmer of assistance as you trudge along this path - in the form of a 10 day Journalling quest to help put pen to paper to document, sort and process how you’re doing right now.

Why Journalling?

It’s so easy to get stuck in our own thought process, feelings, and anxiety as they arise but not actually process our emotions, make meaning out of our experience or slooow down enough to hold compassionate space for ourselves.

Journalling can help:

  • Know what to actually write about! While some of us are masters at free-writing, having journalling prompts can be so helpful in giving us a place to start

  • Slow down and give designated time to our emotions, thoughts and experiences that we just can’t get when we are multi-tasking, scrolling or worried about where we have to be in a half hour…

  • Expression of our internal world, which we often suppress or don’t give voice to!

  • Creativity: while you’re journalling, add a creative flair if you like… write a poem, describe your experience using the five senses (touch, image, sound, taste, smell)

  • Meaning making: you may not have really paused to realize why you’re experiencing what you are, how it makes sense or what lessons you’ve learned that you want to remember

  • A good dose of nostalgia for later… while right now the last thing we probably want to do is focus on the pandemic we are in, you may one day want to look back on your experience. This will be in the history books, after all!

    Download your 10 day journal to explore your personal growth, express challenges, relationships with those around you, and how to move forward

If you’re like me, you might need a little accountability to keep journalling, and it may be helpful to have someone to debrief with!

If you’re in Vancouver, you can also book a session with one of our counsellors to talk further about what this has brought up for you, share with a friend, or comment below with what you’ve learned.


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