Yoga and Art Therapy Drop Ins
Since we are a counselling collective without full time reception (our counsellors run our drop ins!) things may be a bit different than a regular studio…
You can sign up on Jane - to reserve your spot, see the schedule below! If you want to sign up day of, please email us at connect@newtides.ca.
PLEASE make sure you sign our waiver and put a credit card on file before you come to class. Your credit card will be charged 24 hours before class, but you can cancel anytime before then by emailing our front desk (connect@newtides.ca)
Candlelight Yin Yoga with Morgan:
A deliciously relaxing slow and stretchy class with soft music - its not uncommon to fall asleep (or to feel a few feelings as you slow down!) in this class.
Mindful Flow Yoga with Mercedes:
Trauma informed and low sensory classes
An inviting environment for anyone wanting to deepen the mind-body connection, and supportive for those who may appreciate a gentle, invitational and mindful approach where you can slow down, tune in and connect with yourself!
Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have
ANY questions at all.
Our classes do not require any experience!
If you have any questions or concerns about anything, you can chat with our counsellors before class, or send an email ahead of time at connect@newtides.ca
If your event is before 6pm on the weekday, the front door will be unlocked - come on up!
If you’re arriving after 6, please buzz in using the buzzer to the left of the front door and take the elevator up to the 3rd floor! Please arrive on time, as our instructors will be unable to buzz you in once class starts.
Since we are a counselling clinic with no reception, things will be a little different than a regular studio! You can still sign up on Jane (as you do for counselling) - just find the date on our online calendar HERE and make sure you sign our informed consent and put a credit card on file before you come to class.
We are a small, cozy studio - registration is required to ensure everyone has a spot!
Your credit card will be charged 24 hours before class, but you can cancel anytime before then by emailing our front desk (connect@newtides.ca)