Our values play a large role in how we show up in both our personal and professional lives!
Here is a small window into who I am as a person, and as a counsellor. These values have been foundational in my life, my work with clients (and potential clients like yourself!) and in creating this business alongside counsellors who work and walk through the world in a similar or complementary way.

- Morgan McKusick



We can only change, accept or move towards what we are aware of. There is always more to learn – about ourselves, others and the world. The draw to understand the struggles and joys of both others and myself is at the heart of what initially interested me in the realm of counselling and psychology. My curiosity has led me on my own ongoing journey in counselling (both to heal and to thrive!), to keep learning about topics that fascinate me (emotions, neuroscience and relationships, for a start), and to keep exploring new ways to make my life feel meaningful. I invite you to join me in being curious about yourself… to learn, to heal, to grow and to search out delight in your own life.


Being at ease with ourselves and in our relationships is one of the greatest tasks and rewards of our lives. There are many barriers to feeling at ease with who we are in our every day lives; some of which I have faced myself. My own journey towards being comfortable in my own skin is why I strive to prioritize creating a place where you can set aside any masks you may wear and just be you – even if that feels confusing, or scary at times. In my role as a counsellor I hope to offer you my genuine care, delight and even humour as we work to address your own barriers to feeling authentic. I think this is where the magic happens! Learning to be at ease with yourself allows you to trust your instincts and show up fully in your relationships, your passions, your career, and your life.


To me empowerment means finding a way to grow, heal and walk through life (in both its pleasures and challenges) in a way that fits with our values, personality and our own unique strengths and belief systems. The beautiful thing is that empowerment can look like so many different things. We can find empowerment in self-knowledge and awareness, in nurturing healthy relationships, in spirituality or faith, in learning how to breathe to calm anxiety, or in knowing how to create moments of delight and calm through pursuing our passions - the possibilities are endless!


We are biologically wired for connection. When movies, books or stories pull at our heartstrings, making us smile or cry, so often we are responding to the connection between two people, a character’s connection to themselves, or the connection between ourselves and a character. I think in our real lives, sometimes these connections get lost, pushed to the side, or are difficult to lean into. One of the most enjoyable parts of being a counsellor is creating real connections with individuals like you, and watching as clients become more connected as well. I look forward to witnessing each person I work with strengthen, refine and expand their relationship with themselves and others. For those who are open, once have a handle on our connection with ourselves, deeper connections the world around us, energy, and perhaps with a sense of spirituality or unity may also reveal itself as well.


Expression is the doorway to healing and growth – hence the age old cliché, “How do you feel about that?” Though at times expressing our thoughts and feelings can be terrifying, I believe expression is necessary for emotional and mental wellbeing. My office is no stranger to both traditional and creative approaches – expression can take the form of speech, laugher, metaphor or imagery; finding tools to manage the expression of difficult emotions; or even exploring body sensations, movement, or yoga. I also place a high value on the exploration of hobbies or projects that allow for expression and over the years have enjoyed many hobbies, including drama, nutrition, singing, yoga and dance. I hope that along the way everyone has the opportunity to find an activity that allows them to experience the growth and delight I have felt each time I find a new passion that fits.


Set aside time and energy to celebrate – there is enough darkness and chaos in our days. Yes. Joy, laughter and celebration has its place in my life and my office. Over the past few years I have become the type of person that seizes opportunities to smile, laugh and celebrate - why not? Particularly in counselling, I think often we forget to pause take delight in small moments of happiness or calm in the midst of the storm. I hope you will join me in leaning into delight of what already exists, and delighting in the possibility of what is to come as well.

Holistic health & wellbeing

There are SO many pieces of the puzzle that can come together to create growth, and that can help us know and care for ourselves deeply. For some, this can be as simple as attending to nutrition, massage, journalling or having a daily yoga practice. For others, this can mean working with energy, body work, spirituality or spirit guides, and even rituals or ceremony to mark important parts of life. At its heart, to me, approaching healing - and life - holistically means recognizing that our wellbeing is not a one stop shop, or something to be addressed when a problem arises, but rather a way of being and living that connects us deeply to many parts of ourselves - mind, body, spirit, heart and more.


We offer free 15 minute consultation calls, which provides you with the opportunity to
connect, ask questions and explore if one of our counsellors is the right fit for you.