Setting Intentions (and Dropping Resolutions) to Carry You Through The Year
Instead of setting New Year’s resolutions, here’s a little nudge to set intentions focused on the process, rather than the progress you make to lower the shame and high expectations, and turn instead towards a theme that can help carry you throughout the year.
Here’s a little nudge to set intentions focused on the process, rather than the progress you make….
Why? To lower the shame and high expectations, and turn instead towards a theme that can help carry you throughout the year.
Surprise, surprise, here we are in the last week of December, and a blog post rolls in on New Years… but I truly hope you find this one a little different, and inspiring in a new way.
As much as the Type A part of me has historically loved the concept of new years - a good reset, a chance to wipe the slate clean, and set tens of goals that have NO chance of being met - here I am to share a little nudge on how you might do things a bit differently this year (ideas gathered from Tik Tok, Instagram and incredible humans over the past couple years).
Part 1: Set ONE Intention for the entire year - and ditch the short term resolution and goals
Take a moment to consider where you are in life right now (I know, it’s a biggie).
Reflect and journal on what have been the milestones of the last year… what have you learned? Let go of? Asked for? What are you finding contributes to feeling more yourself, whole and healthy?
Then ask: What is the theme of the next step forward for you? What do you want more of in your life, and from yourself? What feels just out of reach? What would help you move towards being more yourself in your life?
This should be something you want to work on and cultivate in your life, and ideally an internal quality, process or even an emotion rather than something outside yourself, or something you could ‘succeed' at or ‘complete’, or finish
Here are some examples: Openness; Play, Pleasure; Kindness; Self Awareness
Why the shift? This way we open the door to a positively focused theme that we can’t fail at OR complete (and therefore also are less likely to give up on in the long term), and something we can come back to EACH MONTH that we can operationalize - or bring into reality - in many different ways.
Part 2: Grab a jar or box and a stack of post it sized papers and set them aside. Set a reminder for the end of each week (Friday, or Sunday evening).
At the end of each week, write down ONE moment or way the intention was alive for you this week, and put it in your container.
For example, if your intention was play, this could be something large, like going to a music festival, or as simple as playing fetch with your dog, laughing, or having a moment of carefree singing in the car.
This does NOT have to be anything big - just a simple action or moment. This helps us narrow in on whats ALREADY working, and bring attention to it (hopefully with appreciation), which strengthens the pathways in our brain around this experience, and ultimately helps us create more of these moments organically, rather than trying to force an idea of what SHOULD be happening.
Of course, after recording your moment you might also feel pulled to set an intention or goal for the following week, which is fine as well; but try not to create any ‘I must do xyz…’ expectations.
Part 3: At the end of the year, you will have 52 beautiful reminders of your intention to remind you of what’s working, what’s moving forward, and in line with the you that you are hoping to be in the world!
(Or perhaps less… I think I made it to about 30 this past year!)
Have fun with this, share with your friends/family/partners , as it can be an amazingly feel good process to share with another person.
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