Regulation Toolbox for Anxiety, Trauma and Overwhelming Emotions
This post will be regularly updated to include printable/saveable tools for managing activation! These tools can be used for regulating overwhelming emotions, anxiety, shame, trauma responses or triggers and more. Try them each when you are calm to see which ones you like!
Bookmark this page to find automatically updated links to printable/saveable tools on grounding and emotion regulation techniques for managing anxiety, trauma triggers, low mood and more.
As with all things, each tool may take some time to test out! Try using ONE tool at a time for about a week or so - practice it once a day when you are feeling mildly distressed (a 3-4 / 10) to allow yourself time to get the hang of a new technique when you aren’t feeling too distressed.
Remember - this is not about finding a TON of ways to calm yourself, but a few that really work for you. Be patient while exploring what works for you - chances are you may really not like some of them, and that’s okay!
Please chat about what is working, and what is challenging with your counsellor.
PS. Did you know that we also have an audio section with grounding and mindfulness tools? This includes:
A Calm Place Exercise (for those that love imagery and visualizations)
A 5 Minute Grounding Exercise with breath (one of Morgan’s favourites!)
A longer Body Scan Exercise to practice body awareness and relaxation