Regulation Toolbox for Anxiety, Trauma and Overwhelming Emotions
This post will be regularly updated to include printable/saveable tools for managing activation! These tools can be used for regulating overwhelming emotions, anxiety, shame, trauma responses or triggers and more. Try them each when you are calm to see which ones you like!
Bookmark this page to find automatically updated links to printable/saveable tools on grounding and emotion regulation techniques for managing anxiety, trauma triggers, low mood and more.
As with all things, each tool may take some time to test out! Try using ONE tool at a time for about a week or so - practice it once a day when you are feeling mildly distressed (a 3-4 / 10) to allow yourself time to get the hang of a new technique when you aren’t feeling too distressed.
Remember - this is not about finding a TON of ways to calm yourself, but a few that really work for you. Be patient while exploring what works for you - chances are you may really not like some of them, and that’s okay!
Please chat about what is working, and what is challenging with your counsellor.
PS. Did you know that we also have an audio section with grounding and mindfulness tools? This includes:
A Calm Place Exercise (for those that love imagery and visualizations)
A 5 Minute Grounding Exercise with breath (one of Morgan’s favourites!)
A longer Body Scan Exercise to practice body awareness and relaxation
Resources for Coping with Anxiety, Trauma, Mood Swings and More During COVID-19
Resources for coping with anxiety, trauma, low mood and more during COVID-19 , as well as Vancouver companies offering free classes, activities and support.
Hello there!
We hope you’re doing okay in this extended time of isolation and anxiety. Just a reminder that it is perfectly normal to feel a bit (or a lot) off kilter right now, and many of us need all the support we can get.
Here is a list of some of our favourite resources for you to connect with during this time - please feel free to add your own in the comments.
We are still here to support you, but online! Just in case you weren't aware, if you are NOT in a place where finances or insurance can support counselling, many Vancouver counsellors are offering online counselling at the moment and some have reduced rates or sliding scales for clients affected loss of income related to COVID-19. You can check out our counsellors at www.newtides.ca - all are currently offering online counselling, or search an array of Registered Clinical Counsellors at https://bc-counsellors.org. Many insurance plans (including student plans) do cover Registered Clinical Counsellors (RCCs)
Mindfulness and Grounding Resources on our website:
If you didn't already know, we have a tiny resource library on our website with the following....
Calm Place Exercise: which you can use when you're feeling triggered, very anxious/stressed/depressed to break the cycle. This can be difficult for some of us... be patient and go easy on yourself!
Grounding Exercise: designed to get you out of your head and into your body
Body scan: great to build body awareness before sleep
We are hoping to share some trauma informed yoga videos in the weeks to come, however, at this time, I'm happy to recommend:
Yoga with Adriene - accessible, varied yoga and meditation practices for free on YouTube!
If you have a regular yoga practice already and are looking to keep in up, or are interested in jumping right into a more active yoga practice, the Hot Box Yoga (Vancouver) offers free classes on their instagram live every morning at 10am
Meditation and Mindfulness Apps:
Insight Timer: many free and guided meditations form around the world
Headspace: has a few free guided meditations in a very user friendly manner.
Sam Harris's Waking Up App: a great progressive meditation program where science and spirituality meet. The app has a free into section, meditations that progress over time, and fun fact - if you email them they are happy to provide free paid services to people in need!
Free apps that promote mental health:
Calm Harm app: not just for those that struggle with self harm, this app provides short and long activities based on what you need in the moment. This is an awesome place to start when we need something to lift our spirits/distract ourselves etc. and we don't know where to start!
Stop, Breathe, Think: An app that prompts you to breathe and name emotions (research shows this on it's own is helpful!) and how you’re feeling physically before suggesting an activity (breathing, meditation or guided activities). Some of the voices of the meditation aren't my favourite, but its a great place to start with self-awareness of how you are even if you don't use the meditations.
Mind Shift: A CBT based app that allows you to track how you're doing day to day, journal and explore behaviours that might help alleviate anxiety.
Calm: Mediation and Sleep app (some paid options)
Crisis Lines:
The Vancouver Crisis Centre is not just for those in crisis, but anyone who needs a friendly ear and a few words of support. We highly recommend connecting if you need some extra support, no matter what your situation. They offer:
a chat line open from 12pm to 1am in BC (http://youthinbc.com)
Distress Lines (Greater Vancouver: 604-872-3311)
Suicide Lines (1-800-SUICIDE: 1-800-784-2433)
Recommended on Instagram
@Kelseymech : a great Victoria based counsellor and coach that has great and simple posts on anxiety, compassion, trauma ad more. She has a free webinar she recorded a few weeks ago on tools for emotional well-being during times of crisis (What a champ!)
@traumaawarecare (Trauma Aware Care)Vancouver writers/trauma counsellors that do a beautiful job offering compassion, normalization and tools for trauma responses - so necessary in this time where uncertainty can bring up lots of old triggers and patterns!
Free online activities and feel goods (most are local!):
Movement108, an amazing, small community-oriented fitness studio that has amazingly knowledgable and alignment based trainers is offering free online workouts at 7am and 4pm at
Teachers of The Hot Box Yoga Vancouver are offering classes live at 10am every day
Luminesque Dance, an amazing local dance company who encourages women of all ages and abilities to shine on stage is offering 7pm dance parties on instagram with one of their amazing teachers
Audible.ca currently has more free titles available than usual to help us out!
If you have a Vancouver Public Library Card, you can borrow books online at https://vpl.overdrive.com!
What did I miss? Please let me know any amazing mental health resources, or free/accessible feel god classes or activities that can help us all out during this time of transition, change and uncertainty!